De-arcticfication’ in Nordic Arts

We got a grant, 20 000 euros, from the Nordic Culture Fund for the project “The ‘De-arcticfication’ in Nordic Arts”. The project aims at invigorating regional identity, promoting cultural pride and fostering cultural resilience in the Nordic Arctic region. We share perspectives on the Nordic Arctic as a place to live, work and raise our children, culturally able and robust. The project includes several elements such as Nordic Co-Curatorial practice, the production of a concept exhibition involving a dialogue between Nordic artists and a selection of artists from the Artists’ Association of Lapland, the socially and environmentally engaged art event ‘Odd Garden’ (Kumma Puutarha) in Rovaniemi in 2021.
‘Wiping the Ice-Cream Off Your Face’ -exhibition is curated by Misha del Val (Fl) and Andreas Hoffmann (NO/Greenland – Arctic Culture Lab). It presents featuring Nordic artists from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands and Aland, plus northern Russia, and a selection of artists from the Artists Association of Lapland. The ‘Odd Garden’ (Kumma puutarha), a week-long art symposium bringing environmental art to the heart of the city of Rovaniemi (Finland), is produced in collaboration with the city of Rovaniemi and curated by Tuomas Korkalo.
The main themes running through both of these larger events -and the other subprojects are promoting a debate on the significance of contemporary Arctic culture and its place within Nordic culture, reconsider notions about the North outside the mainstream, conventional way of thinking, and allow the North to find and speak its own voice, in a process we are calling ‘De-arctification’.
Young Arctic Artists 2021

Young Arctic Artists 2021 continues the series of international exhibition promoting emerging artists related to the Arctic. Exhibitions are managed by Artists’ Association of Lapland and co-curated by the Finnish – Kven curatorial team: Savu Korteniemi (FI), Panu Johansson (FI), Katriina Pedersen (NO) and Åsne Kummeneje Mellem (NO).
The aim of this exhibition series is to map out the scene of young contemporary art in the selected northern geographic area, advance its visibility and to create new networking possibilities for artists and curators.
With 4th edition the concept of Young Arctic Artist is updated by creating structures and conventions together with the people of the Arctic.

TaPaMa 2019-2021

TaPaMa – Art-based services for tourism project aims to develop new art-based tourism services for art galleries and museums, find out how to market and sell them best and pass gained knowledge for wide range of agencies. Current research on creative tourism, art-based services and museum pedagody will be applied to support growth of small and middle size enterprises. New services will be drafted in teams, tested, documented and presented. The development work will be carried out in art galleries who work at the intersection of art world and tourism business. Service design will be user-centric. From the point of views of the Artist´Assosication the aim is to supports art gallery and art museumenterprises to collaborate with tourism industry and better mediate creative tourism services for tourism agencies. The University of Lapland, Faculty of Art and Design, is leading the project. The project takes place 01.06.2019 – 30.05.2021. The whole budget is 300 424 euroa. Lapland Council has granted 225 318 support from the European Regional Development Fund.
Prosessi / Der Prozess 2020-2021
The Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (German acronym EVZ) supports the project “Prosessi / Der Prozess Part One” with grant 30 000 euros
The project is included in the funding programme “Remembrance of forced labour and forgotten victims”. The project deals with the questions of violent practices, focusing to the Finnish-German wartime secret collaboration and the destiny of the Jewish refugees in Finland during Second World War. Especially the project focuses on the stories from wartime Finnish forced labour camps in Lapland and Suursaari island.
Project is managed by the Artists’ Association of Lapland. Executor and coordinator of the project is visual artist and writer Savu E. Korteniemi (MFA).
Art2World 2019-2020

The title of the project Art2World refers to artists and artworks moving from studios to clients and exhibitions in Lapland, Finland and abroad. The project focused on development of visual art managerment and agency. Finnish Ministry on Culture and Education has granted the project for 35 000 Euro.