Raija Aula

Raija Aula (born 1947) is an artist image maker.

I work at home. My media covers wood engraving, traditional methods and digital drawing.

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Arttu Nieminen

Arttu Nieminen is videoartist and director

Arttu Nieminen is vide and media artists living and working in Rovaniemi. Themes of his art focus on Arctic nature.

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Jaana Erkkilä

Taiteilijana ajattelen ennen kaikkea muodoissa ja väreissä, ja luotan taiteen tekemisessä intuitioon. Taiteen tekeminen vaatii taitoa mutta myös intuitiivista tietoa siitä, milloin antaa teoksen ottaa ohjat ja viedä taiteilija ennestään tuntemattomiin paikkoihin….

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Tom Engblom

Living in Rovaniemi, Finland, Tom Engblom works within the concepts of the Still Life. Binding symbolic values of objects within his still life artworks, Engblom creates a visual game that leads to new and unpredictable contents and levels of interpretations.

Engblom has exhibited extensively and has had solo shows in the Rovaniemi Art Museum, the Tromsö Art Museum and Galleria Sculptor in Helsinki.He is represented in the collections of The Finnish State Art Commission, the City of Rovaniemi and the Wihuri Foundation, Tom Engblom is the Lecturer of Sculpture at the University of Lapland, faculty of art and design.

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Elisa Alaluusua

Elisa Alaluusua grew up in Finnish Lapland and now lives in London where she works in the field of drawing using paper as well as video.

She finds inspiration from the extremes of quiet country living in her home village, Luusua, on the family reindeer farm and life in London.

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Maria Huhmarniemi

Dr. Maria Huhmarniemi is an artist and a teacher in the University of Lapland, Faculty of Art and Design.

In her work as a visual artist, she engages with questions concerning the North and environmental issues such as the relationship between people and nature and environmental responsibility.

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Timo Jokela

Timo Jokela is sculptor, environmental artist and professor of art education.

I am interested in the relationship between nature and human being. I approach the topic using the methods of site-specific art, which is usually environmental and community art.

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Pirkko Mäkelä-Haapalinna

Pirkko Mäkelä-Haapalinna is a visual artist who works and resides in Kemijärvi.

She is a candidate member in Finnish Painters’ Union, board member of Artists’ Association of Lapland and a member of Pastel Society of America. Mäkelä-Haapalinna’s work has been displayed in numerous solo exhibitions in Finland, and several group exhibitions abroad.

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John Court

John Court is a performance and installation artist who moved to Finland in 1997, and lives and works in Lapland.

He has exhibited extensively and has been invited to perform at major art events. He works in the medium of performance, sculpture, drawing, prints, video and books.

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