30 Nordic Artists’ Perspectives on De-Arcticfication to Celebrate 30 Years of the Artists’ Association of Lapland
The curators are Misha del Val (Kittilä, FI) and Andreas Hoffmann (NO/GL).
Many -below and above the arctic circle- have an interest in seeing the Arctic just as a big ball of ice-cream: strawberry pink of polar skies and creamy white of snowy forests. This is a phenomenon, known as ‘Arctification’, by which partial and simplistic views and ideas are fabricated, imposed and sustained on the Arctic, to suit political and economical agendas and/or a widespread naive sentimentality. The peoples living in the region, its rich traditions and culture, get reduced, through this oversimplification, as an exotic other, a barren wintery destination, or a geopolitical periphery
The exhibition is part of the project De-arcticfication’ in Nordic Arts supported by the Nordic Culture Fund.

Amanda Riffo (IS)
Arttu Nieminen (FI)
Eliina Hurtig (FI)
Friday Milk (RU)
Hanna Kanto (FI)
Henri Hagman (FI)
Jaakko Heikkilä (FI)
Jouko Alapartanen (FI)
Julie Edel Hardenberg (GL)
Kaija Kiuru (FI)
Karoliina Paatos (FI)
Konsta Huusko (FI)
Leila Lipiainen (FI)
Mari Oikarinen (FI)
Mariane Lyngsø and Pia Möller-Light (DK)
Outi Pieski (FI)
Panu Johansson (FI)
Pattern Collective (FI)
Peter Winquist (Åland)
Pirkko Mäkelä-Haapalinna (FI)
Raisa Raekallio (FI)
Randi Samsonsen (Faroe Islands)
Risto Immonen (FI)
Seija Ulkuniemi (FI)
Sanna Haimila (FI)
Satu Kalliokuusi (FI)
Savu Korteniemi (FI)
Tanya Busse (NO)
Timo Jokela (FI)
Tomas Colbengtson (SE)
Tuomas Korkalo (FI)