What do we do and benefit our members

Members of the Association get a discount from the rent of exhibition space in Gallery Napa and Gallery Kellokas. In Napa the member´s rent is 650 euros for four weeks (others 950 euros), in Studio Mustanapa 400 euros (others 470€) + 30€ if using the projector. In Kellokas the member´s rent is 400 euros for two months (others 600 euros). We also arrange exhibitions in the restaurant Nabo.

Members can enroll to be the Artist of the Month. They get exhibition space in the cafe in the Kulture House Korundi in Rovaniemi. The association reserves 20% commission of the sales in the exhibition.

Members have their presentations in our website.

The Association produces joint exhibtions. The exhibitions are curated by selected curators and shown in prominent galleries and museums in Finland and abroad.

The Association produces get-togethers andrecreational activities in collaboration with other culture based associations in Lapland.  The Christmas party and summer events are carried out annually.

The Associations informs members about current issues by monthly email. In addition, the Association passes information releases from the Union of Finnish Art Association. Facebook is used as informal forum for discussion.

Art Lending
Members can display their artworks at art lending service locations organised by the association. The Association reserves 20% commission of the rent and sale of artworks.

Members of the Artist’s Association of Lapland are also members of the Union of Finnish Art Association. 

Marjo Selin in the Dance Floor exhibition in the 2017.